To add or replace a guide line, select Horizontal or Vertical
To add guide lines, select Single or Multiple then enter the
position. To replace a guide line, select it in Guides List, then
select Single and enter the position. To add multiple guide
lines, enter the starting and ending positions (the positions of
the first and last guide line you are adding) then the increment
(distance between guide lines you are adding).
For all guide lines, select the following options as needed:
Show Guides - Show guide lines. Deselect to hide them.
Lock Guides - Lock the guide lines in place. (You cannot
drag them.)
Snap to Guides - Turn on snap to guides.
Color - Select a color for guide lines.
Guides List
Shows all currently defined guides for the document. When
you select an item on the list its settings appear in Type and
Adds the guides you defined in Type and Positions to the
Replaces the guide in the list with one you defined in Type
and Position.
Deletes the guide selected on the list.
Delete All
Deletes all guides.